
You can’t get back into shape by doing nothing. But how do you get in shape? Let us make ourselves happy, better physical shape can be achieved without too much effort and stress.

Improve your routine and when your fitness improves , you can always maintain it easily.

The human body is made for walking, but the modern way of life limits us considerably. We sit or stand. So walk as soon as you can, every opportunity counts. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car in the furthest part of the parking lot to walk more. After dinner, take a daily walk – in addition to improving your fitness, an evening walk helps regulate blood sugar. Walking is a form of moving meditation and the right way to supplement Your Fitness in 10 Days daily activities. Track your steps with an app on your phone and you’ll be surprised how many more steps you can take in a day without much effort.

Colorful colors on a plate

Decorate your plate with colorful foods, choose chicken, fish, avocados, olive oil, nuts and seeds for healthy fats and lean protein.

Say YES to low glycemic carbs like lentils, whole grains, and quinoa because they’ll fuel you and keep your body running smoothly and your energy high. When the body is not overloaded by digesting and processing heavy foods, you have more energy, you feel lighter and more mobile, the extra pounds gradually melt away, and the condition returns naturally.

Best condition with straps or cradle

Ten minutes of jumping is worth half an hour of running. You can leave it on for a pre-workout warm-up, and the resistance bands offer a wide variety of exercises that increase endurance and strengthen muscles and tendons.

How to get in shape?

This simple piece of equipment can be used around the house or outdoors, so wherever you are. If you’re going on a trip and it changes your daily routine, you can exercise with you, you’re sure to find ten minutes to skip several times and fitness will remain at the top of your priority.

Better condition and hydration

As soon as you get up, drink a glass of room temperature water before your morning coffee. Our body becomes dehydrated when we wake up and it is important to stay well hydrated. Water helps transport nutrients throughout the body, flushes out toxins, regulates body temperature and lubricates joints.

When the body is not sufficiently hydrated, it “does not” well, the condition is weak and it is difficult to get back into shape. If you need a little flavor to encourage you to drink more water, add cucumber slices, lemon, fresh mint leaves, rosemary, ginger for naturally flavored water that tastes fresh and agreeable.

Better physical condition in tandem

A support system of friends can be very motivating and effective – team up with someone who has the same goals (healthier eating, better fitness, weight loss) and work in tandem. You can walk or exercise together, share recipes and prepare healthy meals.

When you have the support of your friends, you’re less likely to give up, lose your will, or be unruly, so you’ll be more motivated to succeed.

Fitness and fun

Try new activities that you can do in tandem, with a friend to support you, or with a group that already does – take a dance class, ride a bike, swim, join a hike.

Exercise doesn’t have to be boring, it can be an adventure that will get you physically and mentally moving. When you enjoy an activity, you look forward to it and you won’t want to stop as your fitness improves.

Don’t miss the stretches

Stretching helps muscle recovery, improves mobility and flexibility, has a good effect on joints and strengthens connective tissue, preserves muscles by preventing them from shortening, which helps with endurance.

By admin

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