right dentist

You may be a little lost in the Wild West of dental surgery: between the very serious professionals, the most numerous, and the scamps more interested in their turnover than million consumers devoted to our teeth” reminds us.

Abuses are multiplying and the pursuit of profit still quite often leads to the overtreatment of dental problems. We can come across practitioners who are less scrupulous than others, because they are more interested in their wallets than in the health of their patients. Even though dental surgery students now receive many hours of training in medical ethics, professional conduct, so as to prioritize the well-being of the patient, our three specialists admit that there are still far too many people who find themselves victims of bad consultations, with also people who leave mutilated by their dentist.

What is a good dentist?

It is above all the person who will listen well to his patient, who will be able to adapt to him, listen well to the reason for his consultation without ever putting the interest of his patient in the background. Dr. Vianney Descroix begins by emphasizing that everything depends on listening, trust, empathy, the ability to adapt to the patient: “a relationship of trust must be established with the practitioner, who must take your time in your diagnosis, explain different therapeutic solutions by presenting quotes, and that your consent is self-evident” . This is what he calls the patient-centered approach , in other words the patient’s need must come first.

You must also be a consumer of your health, believes journalist Sophie Coisne, and above all not be afraid to ask questions: ” the doctor is a professional, of course, but it is your teeth that are in question”

The fundamental gestures to preserve your teeth

Consult a  dental surgeon  regularly . You should not wait to be sick to see a doctor explains Vianney Descroix: ” An annual visit is essential to make a good assessment “.

Cultivate a healthy lifestyle , a balanced food hygiene that is sugar-free, without cariogenic foods and good body hygiene: ” The teeth are a reflection of your way of life “.

Brush your teeth effectively . For three minutes, and twice a day . Dr. Never recommends always making sure that the gesture goes from the gum to the tooth, from pink to white  : ” adopt a vertical brushing, from top to bottom, following a progressive path which can also cover all of the teeth , without forgetting the inter-dental spaces . He recommends in passing to wait half an hour before brushing your teeth when you have finished eating, especially after an acidic meal because “it is better to wait until the food acid has disappeared to be able to brush their teeth, for example after drinking orange juice” .

In case of complications, above all, do not self-medicate . Whether you are prone to repeated bleeding from the gums, sudden sensitivities to hot and cold, pain when chewing, toothache that persists, doctor Vianney Descroix is ​​categorical: “taking painkillers must be extremely punctual , you should not self-medicate on dental pain which can become dramatic because the analgesics will cover the development of an infection and, unfortunately sometimes, we see people arrive in the emergency room in very serious infectious states… “

How to spot an unscrupulous dentist?

Last May, the Ministry of Health and the National Council of Dental Surgeons published advice on how to be sure to obtain good oral care. Sophie Coisne lists some of them:

Be wary of a panoramic radio request . This is very often the case. It does not have to be done in the first place during a consultation: ” It is absurd to ask for a panoramic X-ray when you come for a scaling “

Do not hesitate to ask for a second opinion when the treatments start to be heavy:  it is very advisable to ask for a second opinion and the dental surgeon should not dissuade you from going to see a colleague

As a bonus, the three experts strongly advise avoiding medical tourism and going  abroad for treatment  because they believe that it is a considerable risk taking, an absolutely monstrous bet, especially when it comes to get a pretty smile: ” dental surgeons are not there to make pretty smiles “

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