wrinkles under the eyes

Collagen and elastin are protein fibers found in skin cells and giving it its strength and elasticity. These fibers then form a network all over the face allowing it, when pressing or pulling on young skin (and therefore rich in collagen), to recover easily and quickly. Unfortunately, the production of collagen and elastin tends to decrease over time, which is why the skin becomes thinner and loses its ability to recover. Most of these changes are caused by the sun. This is why the area under the eyes is also the most vulnerable to this kind of damage, because the latter is extremely thin and paradoxically finds itself the

However, something you probably didn’t know is that wrinkles are largely determined by genetics. So much so that there is ultimately very little you can do to change this situation. You can of course adopt a certain course of action to try to reduce the depth of his wrinkles. Here is a short list!

Tips and remedies to reduce wrinkles under the eyes

Wrinkles under the eyes It helps us to restore tension to it and thus avoid having flaccid and wrinkled skin.

Avocado has always been a very healthy food, thanks to its high vitamin E content

It stimulates the formation of collagen, which then helps the skin to fight against aging as well as pimple problems. You can make an avocado face mask to help hydrate your skin around your eyes and give it the fatty acids it needs. Over time, you will be able to see that vitamin B and E will give you beautiful skin.

Cucumber can be a good option to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes

Wrinkles under the eyesIt contains up to 96% water, and is full of vitamins C and E, as well as some essential oils. The ideal is to apply a little cucumber juice on the eye contour. The properties of cucumber will help diminish wrinkles and dark circles and refresh puffy eyes.

Restful sleep is very important for the appearance of your eyes and the condition of your wrinkles

When we deprive our body of sleep, it can have almost immediate consequences; the most visible being the bags under the eyes, or even the drying and aging of the skin.

Drink a lot of water

Remember that water is very important to keep your body well hydrated. So, apply it on your face too. When we use a moisturizer, for example, it will prevent the skin from drying out and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Vaseline around the eyes

Applying a little petroleum jelly to the eye area before sleeping can also help soften skin and expression lines.

Mix a little olive oil, milk and rose water. Apply with a cotton pad on the eye contour. This lotion will help you immediately relax the area.

Apply them in small touches until the skin absorbs all the product. This will allow you to have visible and lasting results.

It is also preferable to take this eye shadow in the form of a cream so that it hydrates your skin. Powders are not recommended, as they dry out the skin and accentuate wrinkles.

To have a relaxed look, and make your eyes look younger, longer, you can do some exercises. When you feel the first tensions under your eyes, close them for a few seconds to relax them a little. Then open them until you feel the muscles stretch. Repeat the operation several times.

Above all, don’t forget! The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, so avoid rubbing them or using products that are too strong.

Finally, you can also use hyaluronic acid injections to erase wrinkles under the eyes! To find out all about our offer and make an appointment for a free consultation, it’s here !

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