Evan Bass Men's Clinic

Becoming a dad for the first time is an exceptional experience, but can also feel too daunting at times. The professionals at Evan Bass Men’s Clinic mention that fatherhood often changes men on a very personal level, and has a huge impact on many aspects of their life. It is normal for men to feel unsure of themselves while trying to figure out how to take care of a newborn and adjust to this new role. However, it is important to remember that all fathers were a first-time dad once upon a time and had to learn the ropes.

Evan Bass Men’s Clinic provides valuable insights on preparing for fatherhood

Becoming a father is truly a life-changing experience and brings immense joy. However, it is also a time when one can be faced with uncertainty and emotional challenges. Preparing for fatherhood goes beyond the practical stuff like buying a cot and decorating the baby’s room. A dad-to-be must prepare himself mentally, physically and emotionally as well. Here are a few tips to do so:

  • Face fears: Having anxiety or fears about certain aspects of parenthood is completely normal, and men must acknowledge and validate these emotions. They can always talk to their family and friends about their fears, and seek advice to resolve the worries. If needed, one can also seek professional assistance to identify the precise elements that are triggering fear or stress, realistically evaluate the actual concern and ultimately develop solutions:
  • Be actively engaged in the pregnancy: Dads-to-be should invest time and interest in the pregnancy. This stage is full of wonderment and tremendous growth, so it is important to be present, observe, engage, and nurture. Men must try to go to the doctor’s appointments with their partner, especially the ones where they get to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. These things may seem small, but can be highly beneficial for bonding with the soon-to-be-born child.
  • Figure out the finances: The early months of pregnancy would be a good time to re-evaluate spending. Becoming a parent may come with high medical bills, and contemplating paid or unpaid parental leave options. Fathers can help anchor the family finances by planning ahead.
  • Develop a solid self-care routine:  In the first few weeks a family settles in with newborns, parents tend to be on call 24/7, and it can become difficult for them to even take a proper shower, eat a whole meal or leave the house for a walk. However, fathers must try their best to maintain some sort of self care routine amidst the chaos. Self-care is needed in the early days of parenthood to be fully there for the child and provide the needed support to the mother. After all, if one cannot take care of their own-well-being, it would be difficult for them to help their family do the same.

Experts at Evan Bass Men’s Clinic mention that there are hardly any dads who found out that they were having their first child and instantly felt like they knew everything there is to know about raising a baby. Making efforts to learn how to be a good dad is an important part of the fatherhood journey.

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